Source code for geometry.yaml

from contracts import contract, describe_value, describe_type
from geometry import logger
import numpy as np

from .manifolds import DifferentiableManifold

# def array_to_lists(x):
#    return x.tolist()
# def packet(space, rep, value):
#    return {'space': space, 'repr': rep, 'value': value}
# @contract(x='SE3')
# def yaml_from_SE3(x):
#    return packet('SE3', 'matrix', array_to_lists(x))
# @contract(x='se3')
# def yaml_from_se3(x):
#    return packet('se3', 'matrix', array_to_lists(x))
# # what about user-centered?
# def yaml_from_TSE3(x):
#    pose, vel = x
#    return packet('TSE3', 'base-tangent',
#                  [yaml_from_SE3(pose), yaml_from_se3(vel)])
converters = {}
default_representation = {}

[docs]def register_yaml_converter(manifold_name, representation, converter): if not manifold_name in default_representation: default_representation[manifold_name] = representation key = (manifold_name, representation) assert not key in converters converters[key] = converter
[docs]def get_default_representation(manifold): if isinstance(manifold, DifferentiableManifold): key = str(manifold) else: key = manifold if not key in default_representation: raise Exception('Cannot find representation for %s.' % manifold) return default_representation[key]
[docs]@contract(returns='list[2]') def to_yaml(manifold, value, representation=None): if representation is None: representation = get_default_representation(manifold) key = (manifold, representation) if not key in converters: raise ValueError('Unknown format %s; I know %s.' % (key, converters.keys())) conv = converters[key] try: x = conv.to_yaml(value) except: msg = 'Error while trying to convert %s' % describe_value(value) logger.error(msg) raise return ['%s:%s' % (manifold, representation), x]
[docs]@contract(x='list[2]') def from_yaml(x): if not isinstance(x, list): raise ValueError('I expect a list with two elements.') form = x[0] if not isinstance(form, str): raise ValueError('I expect a string describing the format,' ' not %s, while decoding %s' % (describe_type(form), describe_value(x))) value = x[1] space, representation = form.split(':') key = (space, representation) if not key in converters: raise ValueError('Unknown format %s; I know %s.' % (key, converters.keys())) conv = converters[key] return conv.from_yaml(value)
[docs]class Representation(object):
[docs] def to_yaml(self, x): pass
[docs] def from_yaml(self, y): pass
[docs]class SE3_m44(Representation):
[docs] @staticmethod @contract(x='SE3', returns='list[4](list[4](float))') def to_yaml(x): return x.tolist()
[docs] @staticmethod @contract(y='list[4](list[4](float))', returns='SE3') def from_yaml(y): return np.array(y)
register_yaml_converter('SE3', 'm44', SE3_m44)
[docs]class se3_m44(Representation):
[docs] @staticmethod def to_yaml(x): return x.tolist()
[docs] @staticmethod def from_yaml(y): return np.array(y)
[docs]class TSE3_bt(Representation):
[docs] @staticmethod def to_yaml(x): a, b = x return [SE3_m44.to_yaml(a), se3_m44.to_yaml(b)]
[docs] @staticmethod def from_yaml(y): return (SE3_m44.from_yaml(y[0]), se3_m44.from_yaml(y[1]))
register_yaml_converter('TSE3', 'bt', TSE3_bt)