Source code for geometry.mds_algos

import itertools

from contracts import check_multiple
from contracts import contract
from geometry import logger, eigh
from geometry.formatting import formatm
from geometry.procrustes import best_similarity_transform
from geometry.spheres import project_vectors_onto_sphere
from geometry.utils.numpy_backport import assert_allclose
import numpy as np

[docs]@contract(S='array[KxN]', returns='array[NxN](>=0)') def euclidean_distances(S): ''' Computes the euclidean distance matrix for the given points. ''' K, N = S.shape D = np.zeros((N, N)) for i in range(N): p = S[:, i] pp = np.tile(p, (N, 1)).T assert pp.shape == (K, N) d2 = ((S - pp) * (S - pp)).sum(axis=0) d2 = np.maximum(d2, 0) D[i, :] = np.sqrt(d2) return D
[docs]def double_center(P): n = P.shape[0] grand_mean = P.mean() row_mean = np.zeros(n) col_mean = np.zeros(n) for i in range(n): row_mean[i] = P[i, :].mean() col_mean[i] = P[:, i].mean() R = row_mean.reshape(n, 1).repeat(n, axis=1) assert R.shape == (n, n) C = col_mean.reshape(1, n).repeat(n, axis=0) assert C.shape == (n, n) B2 = -0.5 * (P - R - C + grand_mean) if False: B = np.zeros(P.shape) for i, j in itertools.product(range(n), range(n)): B[i, j] = -0.5 * (P[i, j] - col_mean[j] - row_mean[i] + grand_mean) assert_allclose(B2, B) return B2
[docs]@contract(C='array[NxN]', ndim='int,>0,K', returns='array[KxN]') def inner_product_embedding_slow(C, ndim): U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(C, full_matrices=0) check_multiple([('array[NxN]', U), ('array[N]', S), ('array[NxN]', V)]) coords = V[:ndim, :] for i in range(ndim): coords[i, :] = coords[i, :] * np.sqrt(S[i]) return coords
[docs]@contract(C='array[NxN]', ndim='int,>1,K', returns='array[KxN]') def inner_product_embedding(C, ndim): n = C.shape[0] if ndim > n: msg = 'Number of points: %s Dimensions: %s' % (n, ndim) raise ValueError(msg) eigvals = (n - ndim, n - 1) print n, eigvals S, V = eigh(C, eigvals=eigvals) assert S[0] <= S[1] # eigh returns in ascending order if np.any(S < 0): msg = 'The cosine matrix singular values are not all positive: \n' msg += formatm('S', S) msg += 'I assume it is rounding error and approximate with:\n' S[S < 0] = 0 msg += formatm('S\'', S) logger.warning(msg) assert V.shape == (n, ndim) assert S.shape == (ndim,) # check_multiple([('K', ndim), # ('array[NxK]', V), # ('array[K]', S)]) coords = V.T for i in range(ndim): assert S[i] >= 0 coords[i, :] = coords[i, :] * np.sqrt(S[i]) return coords
[docs]def truncated_svd_randomized(M, k): ''' Truncated SVD based on randomized projections. ''' p = k + 5 # TODO: add parameter Y =, np.random.normal(size=(M.shape[1], p))) Q, r = np.linalg.qr(Y) # @UnusedVariable B =, M) Uhat, s, v = np.linalg.svd(B, full_matrices=False) U =, Uhat) return U.T[:k].T, s[:k], v[:k]
[docs]@contract(C='array[NxN]', ndim='int,>0,K', returns='array[KxN]') def inner_product_embedding_randomized(C, ndim): ''' Best embedding of inner product matrix based on randomized projections. ''' U, S, V = truncated_svd_randomized(C, ndim) # @UnusedVariable. check_multiple([('K', ndim), ('array[KxN]', V), ('array[K]', S)]) coords = V for i in range(ndim): coords[i, :] = coords[i, :] * np.sqrt(S[i]) return coords
[docs]@contract(D='distance_matrix,array[MxM](>=0)', ndim='K,int,>=1', returns='array[KxM]') def mds(D, ndim, embed=inner_product_embedding): # if D.dtype != np.float64: # D = D.astype(np.float64) diag = D.diagonal() # the diagonal should be zero if not np.allclose(diag, 0): msg = 'The diagonal of the distance matrix should be zero.' msg += 'Here are all the entries: %s' % diag.tolist() raise ValueError(diag) # assert_allclose(diag, 0, atol=1e-09) # Find centered cosine matrix P = D * D B = double_center(P) return embed(B, ndim)
[docs]@contract(D='distance_matrix,array[MxM](>=0)', ndim='K,int,>=1', returns='array[KxM]') def mds_randomized(D, ndim): ''' MDS based on randomized projections. ''' return mds(D, ndim, embed=inner_product_embedding_randomized)
[docs]@contract(C='array[NxN]', ndim='int,>0,K', returns='array[KxN],directions') def spherical_mds(C, ndim, embed=inner_product_embedding): # TODO: check cosines coords = embed(C, ndim) proj = project_vectors_onto_sphere(coords) return proj
# TODO: spherical_mds_randomized best_embedding_on_sphere = spherical_mds
[docs]@contract(references='array[KxN]', distances='array[N](>=0)') def place(references, distances): # TODO: docs K, N = references.shape # First do MDS on all data D = np.zeros((N + 1, N + 1)) D[:N, :N] = euclidean_distances(references) D[N, N] = 0 D[N, :N] = distances D[:N, N] = distances Sm = mds(D, K) # Only if perfect # Dm = euclidean_distances(Sm) # assert_almost_equal(D[:N, :N], Dm[:N, :N]) # new in other frame R, t = best_similarity_transform(Sm[:, :N], references) Sm_aligned =, Sm) + t result = Sm_aligned[:, N] return result