Source code for geometry.manifolds.translation_group

from contracts import contract
from geometry.poses import extract_pieces, pose_from_rotation_translation, \
from geometry.utils.numpy_backport import assert_allclose
import numpy as np

from .differentiable_manifold import DifferentiableManifold
from .euclidean import R
from .matrix_lie_group import MatrixLieGroup
from .translation_algebra import tran

__all__ = ['TranG', 'Tran', 'Tran1', 'Tran2', 'Tran3']

[docs]class TranG(MatrixLieGroup): ''' The translation subgroup of SE(n). ''' @contract(n='1|2|3') def __init__(self, n): algebra = tran[n] MatrixLieGroup.__init__(self, n=n + 1, algebra=algebra, dimension=n) self.En = R[n] DifferentiableManifold.isomorphism(self, algebra, self.algebra_from_group, self.group_from_algebra, itype='lie') def __repr__(self): # return 'Tran(%s)' % (self.n - 1) return 'Tr%s' % (self.n - 1)
[docs] def belongs(self, x): # TODO: explicit R, t, zero, one = extract_pieces(x) # @UnusedVariable assert_allclose(R, np.eye(self.n - 1)) assert_allclose(zero, 0, err_msg='I expect the lower row to be 0.') assert_allclose(one, 1, err_msg='Bottom-right must be 1.')
[docs] @contract(returns='belongs') def sample_uniform(self): t = self.En.sample_uniform() return pose_from_rotation_translation(np.eye(self.n - 1), t)
[docs] def friendly(self, a): t = rotation_translation_from_pose(a)[1] return 'Tran(%s)' % (self.En.friendly(t))
[docs] def logmap(self, base, p): return base, p - base
[docs] def expmap(self, bv): base, vel = bv return base + vel
[docs] def algebra_from_group(self, g): a = np.zeros((self.n, self.n)) a[:-1, -1] = g[:-1, -1] return a
[docs] def group_from_algebra(self, a): g = np.eye(self.n) g[:-1, -1] = a[:-1, -1] return g
[docs] def interesting_points(self): points = [] for t in self.En.interesting_points(): p = pose_from_rotation_translation(np.eye(self.n - 1), t) points.append(p) return points
Tran1 = TranG(1) Tran2 = TranG(2) Tran3 = TranG(3) Tran = {1: Tran1, 2: Tran2, 3: Tran3}