Source code for geometry.manifolds.special_euclidean_group

from contracts import contract, describe_type
from geometry.poses import extract_pieces, pose_from_rotation_translation, \
    rotation_translation_from_pose, SE2_from_se2, se2_from_SE2, \
    SE2_from_translation_angle, SE3_from_SE2
from geometry.utils.numpy_backport import assert_allclose
import numpy as np

from .differentiable_manifold import DifferentiableManifold
from .euclidean import R
from .matrix_lie_group import MatrixLieGroup
from .special_euclidean_algebra import se
from .special_orthogonal_group import SO

__all__ = ['SE_group', 'SE', 'SE2', 'SE3', 'TSE', 'TSE2', 'TSE3']

[docs]class SE_group(MatrixLieGroup): ''' This is the Special Euclidean group SE(n) describing roto-translations of Euclidean space. Implemented only for n=2,3. Note that you have to supply a coefficient *alpha* that weights rotation and translation when defining distances. ''' @contract(N='int,(2|3)') def __init__(self, N): algebra = se[N] self.SOn = SO[N] self.En = R[N] dimension = {2: 3, 3: 6}[N] MatrixLieGroup.__init__(self, n=N + 1, algebra=algebra, dimension=dimension) DifferentiableManifold.embedding(self, algebra, self.algebra_from_group, self.group_from_algebra, itype='lie') def __repr__(self): return 'SE%s' % (self.n - 1)
[docs] @contract(returns='array[2](>=0)') def distances(self, a, b): """ Returns linear, angular distance. """ _, vel = self.logmap(a, b) W, v, _, _ = extract_pieces(vel) dist1 = np.linalg.norm(v) dist2 = self.algebra.son.norm(W) return np.array([dist1, dist2])
[docs] def norm(self, X): W, v, zero, zero = extract_pieces(X) # @UnusedVariable return np.linalg.norm(v) + self.alpha * self.son.norm(W)
[docs] @contract(x='array[NxN]') def belongs(self, x): # TODO: more checks if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray): msg = 'Expected a numpy array (%s)' % describe_type(x) raise ValueError(msg) if not x.shape == (self.n, self.n): msg = ('Expected shape %dx%d instead of (%s)' % (self.n, self.n, x.shape)) raise ValueError(msg) R, t, zero, one = extract_pieces(x) # @UnusedVariable self.SOn.belongs(R) assert_allclose(zero, 0, err_msg='I expect the lower row to be 0.') assert_allclose(one, 1)
[docs] def sample_uniform(self): t = self.En.sample_uniform() R = self.SOn.sample_uniform() assert t.size == R.shape[0] return pose_from_rotation_translation(R, t)
[docs] def friendly(self, a): R, t = rotation_translation_from_pose(a) return 'Pose(%s,%s)' % (self.SOn.friendly(R), self.En.friendly(t))
# TODO: make explicit inverse # TODO: make specialization for SE(3)
[docs] def group_from_algebra(self, a): if self.n == 3: return SE2_from_se2(a) else: return MatrixLieGroup.group_from_algebra(self, a)
[docs] def algebra_from_group(self, g): if self.n == 3: return se2_from_SE2(g) else: return MatrixLieGroup.algebra_from_group(self, g)
[docs] def interesting_points(self): if self.n == 3: return [ SE2_from_translation_angle([0, 0], 0), SE2_from_translation_angle([0, 0], 0.1), SE2_from_translation_angle([0, 0], -0.1), SE2_from_translation_angle([1, 0.1], 0), ] elif self.n == 4: # TODO: better implementation return [ SE3_from_SE2(SE2_from_translation_angle([0, 0], 0)), SE3_from_SE2(SE2_from_translation_angle([0, 0], 0.1)), SE3_from_SE2(SE2_from_translation_angle([0, 0], -0.1)), SE3_from_SE2(SE2_from_translation_angle([1, 0.1], 0)), ] else: assert False
SE2 = SE_group(2) SE3 = SE_group(3) SE = {2: SE2, 3: SE3} TSE2 = SE2.tangent_bundle() TSE3 = SE3.tangent_bundle() TSE = {2: TSE2, 3: TSE3}