Source code for geometry.manifolds.product_manifold

from contracts import contract
import numpy as np

from .differentiable_manifold import DifferentiableManifold

__all__ = ['ProductManifold']

[docs]class ProductManifold(DifferentiableManifold): @contract(components='seq[>=2,N]($DifferentiableManifold)', weights='None|array[N](>0)') def __init__(self, components, weights=None): dim = sum([m.dimension for m in components]) DifferentiableManifold.__init__(self, dimension=dim) self.components = components if weights is None: weights = np.ones(len(components)) self.weights = weights
[docs] @contract(a='seq') def belongs(self, a): if not len(a) == len(self.components): # XXX: what should I throw? raise ValueError('I expect a sequence of length %d, not %d.' % (len(a), len(self.components))) for x, m in zip(a, self.components): m.belongs(x)
[docs] def distance(self, a, b): ''' Computes the geodesic distance between two points. ''' distances = [m.distance(x, y) for x, y, m in zip(a, b, self.components)] distances = np.array(distances) return (distances * self.weights).sum()
[docs] def logmap(self, base, p): ''' Computes the logarithmic map from base point *a* to target *b*. ''' raise ValueError('Not implemented') # FIXME: finish this
[docs] def expmap(self, bv): raise ValueError('Not implemented') # FIXME: finish this
[docs] def project_ts(self, bv): raise ValueError('Not implemented') # FIXME: finish this
def __repr__(self): return 'P(%s)' % "x".join([str(x) for x in self.components])