Source code for contracts.testing.test_new_contract

import unittest

from contracts import new_contract, check, Contract, contract
from contracts.library.extensions import identifier_expression

from .utils import check_contracts_fail, check_contracts_ok
from contracts.main import can_be_used_as_a_type, Storage
from contracts.syntax import ParsingTmp

# The different patterns

[docs]def ok1(x): pass
[docs]def ok2(x): # @UnusedVariable return True
[docs]def fail1(x): raise ValueError('message')
[docs]def fail2(x): # @UnusedVariable return False
[docs]def invalid_callable1(x): # @UnusedVariable return 'ciao'
# generates a new name:
[docs]def cname(): TestNewContract.counter += 1 return 'GeneratedContract%d' % TestNewContract.counter
[docs]class TestNewContract(unittest.TestCase): counter = 0 #def setup(self): # Storage.string2contract = {}
[docs] def test_inverted_args(self): self.assertRaises(ValueError, new_contract, ok1, 'list')
[docs] def test_wrong_args(self): self.assertRaises(ValueError, new_contract, 'my13', 2)
[docs] def test_invalid_callable(self): self.assertRaises(ValueError, new_contract, 'new', lambda: None)
[docs] def test_parsing_error(self): self.assertRaises(ValueError, new_contract, 'new', '>>')
[docs] def test_parsing_error2(self): # parsing error (unknown spec) self.assertRaises(ValueError, new_contract, 'new', 'unknown')
[docs] def test_invalid_names(self): # invalid names: alphabet = 'A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U W V X Y Z' for x in alphabet.split(): self.assertRaises(ValueError, new_contract, x, 'list') self.assertRaises(ValueError, new_contract, x.lower(), 'list') self.assertRaises(ValueError, new_contract, 'list', 'list[N]') self.assertRaises(ValueError, new_contract, '2acdca', 'list[N]') self.assertRaises(ValueError, new_contract, '_', 'list[N]')
[docs] def test_valid(self): c = new_contract('my_list', 'list[2]') assert isinstance(c, Contract) check('tuple(my_list, my_list)', ([1, 2], [1, 2])) check_contracts_fail('tuple(my_list, my_list)', ([1, 2], [1, 2, 3]))
[docs] def test_separate_context(self): new_contract('my_list2', 'list[N]') check('tuple(my_list2, my_list2)', ([1, 2], [1, 2])) check('tuple(my_list2, my_list2)', ([1, 2], [1, 2, 3]))
[docs] def test_renaming(self): self.assertNotEqual(ok1, ok2) new_contract('my7', ok1) self.assertRaises(ValueError, new_contract, 'my7', ok2)
[docs] def test_allow_renaming_if_equal1(self): new_contract('my8', ok1) new_contract('my8', ok1)
[docs] def test_allow_renaming_if_equal2(self): new_contract('my8b', 'list[3]') new_contract('my8b', 'list[3]')
[docs] def test_callable1(self): c = cname() new_contract(c, ok2) check('list(%s)' % c, [0])
[docs] def test_callable2(self): c = cname() new_contract(c, ok2) check('list(%s)' % c, [0])
[docs] def test_callable3(self): c = cname() new_contract(c, fail1) check_contracts_fail('list(%s)' % c, [0])
[docs] def test_callable4(self): c = cname() new_contract(c, fail2) check_contracts_fail('list(%s)' % c, [0])
[docs] def test_invalid_callable2(self): c = cname() new_contract(c, invalid_callable1) self.assertRaises(ValueError, check, 'list(%s)' % c, [0])
[docs] def test_other_pass(self): class Ex1(Exception): pass def invalid(x): raise Ex1() c = cname() new_contract(c, invalid) self.assertRaises(Ex1, check, 'list(%s)' % c, [0])
[docs] def test_callable(self): class MyTest_ok(object): def __call__(self, x): # @UnusedVariable return True o = MyTest_ok() assert o('value') == True new_contract(cname(), o)
[docs] def test_callable_old_style(self): class MyTest_ok(): def __call__(self, x): # @UnusedVariable return True o = MyTest_ok() assert o('value') == True new_contract(cname(), o)
[docs] def test_class_as_contract1(self): # This should be interpreted as a type # init(x,y) so it is not mistaken for a valid callable class NewStyleClass(object): def __init__(self, x, y): # @UnusedVariable pass new_contract(cname(), NewStyleClass)
[docs] def test_class_as_contract2(self): # old sytle class class OldStyleClass(): def __init__(self, x, y): # @UnusedVariable pass new_contract(cname(), OldStyleClass)
[docs] def test_class_as_contract3(self): class NewStyleClass(object): def __init__(self, x, y): # @UnusedVariable pass @contract(x=NewStyleClass) def f(x): pass
[docs] def test_class_as_contract4(self): class OldStyleClass(): def __init__(self, x, y): # @UnusedVariable pass @contract(x=OldStyleClass) def f(x): pass
[docs] def test_callable_5(self): class MyTest_ok(object): def f(self, x): # @UnusedVariable return True o = MyTest_ok() assert o.f('value') == True new_contract(cname(), o.f)
# TODO: removed after checking in class methods # def test_callable_invalid(self): # class MyTest_fail(object): # def __call__(self, x, y): # @UnusedVariable # return True # # self.assertRaises(ValueError, new_contract, cname(), MyTest_fail())
[docs] def test_lambda_2(self): new_contract(cname(), lambda x: True) # @UnusedVariable new_contract(cname(), lambda x: None) # @UnusedVariable
[docs] def test_lambda_invalid(self): f = lambda: True # @UnusedVariable self.assertRaises(ValueError, new_contract, cname(), f)
[docs] def test_idioms(self): Storage.string2contract = {} # TODO remove this hack color = new_contract('color', 'list[3](number,>=0,<=1)') # Make sure we got it right color.check([0, 0, 0]) color.check([0, 0, 1])[0, 0])[0, 0, 2]) self.assertRaises(ValueError,, [0, 0, 1]) # Now use ``color`` in other contracts. @contract def fill_area(inside, border): """ Fill the area inside the current figure. :type border: color :type inside: color """ pass @contract def fill_gradient(colors): """ Use a gradient to fill the area. :type colors: list(color) """ pass
[docs] def test_as_decorator(self): @new_contract def even(x): return x % 2 == 0 from contracts import parse p = parse('even') p.check(2) p.check(4) p.check(2.0)
[docs] def test_as_decorator_multiple(self): @new_contract @contract(x='int') def even2(x): return x % 2 == 0 from contracts import parse p = parse('even2') p.check(2) # now fails
[docs] def test_types_as_contracts(self): c = cname() new_contract(c, str) check_contracts_ok(c, '') check_contracts_fail(c, 1)
[docs] def test_types_as_contracts2(self): c = cname() new_contract(c, int) check_contracts_ok(c, 1) check_contracts_fail(c, '')
[docs] def test_well_recognized(self): class OldStyleClass(): def __init__(self, x, y): # @UnusedVariable pass assert can_be_used_as_a_type(OldStyleClass) class NewStyleClass(): def __init__(self, x, y): # @UnusedVariable pass assert can_be_used_as_a_type(NewStyleClass)
[docs] def test_as_decorator_with_args(self): from contracts import parse @new_contract def greater_than(value, thresh): return value > thresh p = parse('greater_than(5)') p.check(6)
[docs] def test_as_decorator_with_kwargs(self): from contracts import parse @new_contract def less_than(value, thresh=1): return value < thresh p = parse('less_than(thresh=2)') p.check(1)
[docs] def test_as_decorator_with_args_and_kwargs(self): from contracts import parse @new_contract def less_than_all(value, a, b, c=1, d=5): return value < min(a, b, c, d) p = parse('less_than_all(3, 4, c=5)') p.check(2)
[docs] def test_capital_name1(self): # some problems with identifiers starting with capitals new_contract('SEn', 'int') check_contracts_ok('SEn', 1) check_contracts_fail('SEn', 2.0)
[docs] def test_capital_name2(self): new_contract('Sen', 'int') check_contracts_ok('Sen', 1) check_contracts_fail('Sen', 2.0)
examples_valid = ['aa', 'a_', 'a2', 'a_2', 'list2', 'dict2', 'int2', 'float2', 'point2', 'A2', 'array2', 'unit_length', 'SE2', 'SE3', 'S1', 'S2', 'axis_angle'] for k in ParsingTmp.keywords: examples_valid.append('%s2' % k) examples_valid.append('%s_' % k)
[docs]def check_valid_identifier(e): check_valid_identifier.__dict__['description'] = \ 'check_valid_identifier(%r)' % e identifier_expression.parseString(e, parseAll=True) #@UndefinedVariable new_contract(e, '*') check(e, 42)
[docs]def test_valid_identifiers(): for e in examples_valid: yield check_valid_identifier, e