Source code for contracts.library.extensions

from ..interface import Contract, ContractNotRespected, describe_value
from ..syntax import (Combine, Word, W, alphas, alphanums, oneOf,
                      ParseException, ZeroOrMore, S, rvalue,
                      delimitedList, Optional)
from pyparsing import ParseFatalException

[docs]class Extension(Contract): registrar = {} def __init__(self, identifier, where=None, args=tuple(), kwargs=None): assert identifier in Extension.registrar self.contract = Extension.registrar[identifier] self.identifier = identifier self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs or {} Contract.__init__(self, where) def __str__(self): inside = [] if self.args: inside.extend(map(str, self.args)) if self.kwargs: ks = sorted(self.kwargs) inside.extend(["%s=%s" % (k, self.kwargs[k]) for k in ks]) s = self.identifier if inside: return self.identifier + "(" + ",".join(inside) + ")" else: return s def __repr__(self): if self.args or self.kwargs: return ("Extension(%r, args=%r, kwargs=%r)" % (self.identifier, self.args, self.kwargs)) return "Extension(%r)" % self.identifier
[docs] def check_contract(self, context, value, silent): context['args'] = tuple(a.eval(context) for a in self.args) context['kwargs'] = dict((k, v.eval(context)) for k, v in self.kwargs.items()) self.contract._check_contract(context, value, silent)
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_action(s, loc, tokens): identifier = tokens[0] args = tuple() kwargs = {} if len(tokens) == 2: args, kwargs = tokens[1] args = tuple(args) if not identifier in Extension.registrar: raise ParseException('Unknown extension contract %r' % identifier) # from contracts.library.separate_context import SeparateContext contract_ext = Extension.registrar[identifier] if isinstance(contract_ext, CheckCallable): callable_thing = contract_ext.callable test_args = ('value',) + args from contracts.inspection import check_callable_accepts_these_arguments, InvalidArgs try: check_callable_accepts_these_arguments(callable_thing, test_args, kwargs) except InvalidArgs as e: msg = 'The callable %s cannot accept these arguments ' % callable_thing msg += 'args = %s, kwargs = %s ' % (test_args, kwargs) msg += '%s' % e raise ParseFatalException(msg) where = W(s, loc) return Extension(identifier, where, args, kwargs)
# We want to be pickable so we do not save self.contract # which might point to a lambda def __getstate__(self): return {'identifier': self.identifier, 'args': self.args, 'kwargs': self.kwargs} def __setstate__(self, d): self.identifier = d['identifier'] self.contract = Extension.registrar[self.identifier] self.args = d['args'] self.kwargs = d['kwargs']
[docs]class CheckCallable(Contract): def __init__(self, callable): self.callable = callable Contract.__init__(self, where=None)
[docs] def check_contract(self, context, value, silent): allowed = (ValueError, AssertionError) args = context.get('args', tuple()) kwargs = context.get('kwargs', {}) try: result = self.callable(value, *args, **kwargs) except allowed as e: # failed raise ContractNotRespected(self, str(e), value, context) if result in [None, True]: # passed pass elif result == False: msg = ('Value does not pass criteria of %s() (module: %s).' % (get_callable_name(self.callable), get_callable_module(self.callable))) raise ContractNotRespected(self, msg, value, context) else: msg = ('I expect that %r returns either True, False, None; or ' 'raises a ValueError exception. Instead, I got %s.' % (self.callable, describe_value(value))) raise ValueError(msg)
def __repr__(self): """ Note: this contract is not representable, but anyway it is only used by Extension, which serializes using the identifier. """ return 'CheckCallable(%r)' % self.callable def __str__(self): """ Note: this contract is not representable, but anyway it is only used by Extension, which serializes using the identifier. """ return get_callable_name(callable)
[docs]def get_callable_name(c): """ Get a displayable name for the callable even if __name__ is not available. """ try: return c.__name__ + '()' except: return str(c)
[docs]def get_callable_module(c): try: return c.__module__ except: return '(No __module__ attr)'
[docs]def describe_callable(c): return get_callable_name(c) + ' module: %s' % get_callable_module(c)
[docs]class CheckCallableWithSelf(Contract): def __init__(self, callable): # @ReservedAssignment self.callable = callable Contract.__init__(self, where=None)
[docs] def check_contract(self, context, value, silent): args = context.get('args', tuple()) kwargs = context.get('kwargs', {}) if not 'self' in context: msg = ('You can only call this contract in the context of ' ' a function call to a regular method.') raise ContractNotRespected(self, msg, value, context) args = (context['self'], value) + args allowed = (ValueError, AssertionError) try: result = self.callable(*args, **kwargs) except allowed as e: # failed raise ContractNotRespected(self, str(e), value, context) if result in [None, True]: # passed pass elif result == False: msg = ('Value does not pass criteria of %s.' % describe_callable(self.callable)) raise ContractNotRespected(self, msg, value, context) else: msg = ('I expect that %r returns either True, False, None; or ' 'raises a ValueError exception. Instead, I got %s.' % (self.callable, describe_value(value))) raise ValueError(msg)
def __repr__(self): """ Note: this contract is not representable, but anyway it is only used by Extension, which serializes using the identifier. """ return 'CheckCallableWithSelf(%r)' % self.callable def __str__(self): """ Note: this contract is not representable, but anyway it is only used by Extension, which serializes using the identifier. """ return 'function %s()' % get_callable_name(self.callable)
w = Word('_' + alphanums) arg = rvalue.copy() kwarg = w + ZeroOrMore(' ') + S('=') + ZeroOrMore(' ') + rvalue kwarg.setParseAction(lambda s, loc, tokens: {tokens[0]: tokens[1]})
[docs]def build_args_kwargs(s, loc, tokens): return (tuple(t for t in tokens if not isinstance(t, dict)), dict((k, v) for t in tokens if isinstance(t, dict) for k, v in t.items()))
arglist = delimitedList(kwarg | arg) arglist.setParseAction(build_args_kwargs) identifier_expression = (Combine(oneOf(list(alphas)) + Word('_' + alphanums)) + Optional(S('(') + arglist + S(')'))) identifier_contract = identifier_expression.copy().setParseAction( Extension.parse_action)