procgraph 1.1 documentation

ProcGraph core blocks


ProcGraph core blocks

Package procgraph.components.debug_components

Components used for debugging and unit tests.

* Product of two signals.
+ Sum of two signals.
- Implements the difference of two signals, taking care of overflows.
/ Ratio of two signals.
constant Output a numerical constant that never changes.
gain A simple example of a gain block.
identity This block outputs the inputs, unchanged.
info Prints more compact information about the inputs than Block print.
print Print a representation of the input values along with their timestamp.

Package procgraph_cv

Blocks using the OpenCV library.

gradient Computes the gradient of an image using a Sobel filter.
smooth Smooths an image with a Gaussian filter.

Package procgraph_foo

An example package for ProcGraph that shows how to organize your code.

block_example This is a documented example of the simplest block possible.

Package procgraph_hdf

This is a set of blocks to read and write logs in HDF format.

hdfread This block reads a log written with Block hdfwrite.
hdfread_many This block is a variation on Block hdfread that can concatenate the output of logs stored in multiple HDF files.
hdfread_many_test This is a simple test for Block hdfread_many.
hdfread_test This is a simple test that reading from HDF files is happening correctly.
hdfwrite This block writes the incoming signals to a file in HDF format.

Package procgraph_images

Blocks for basic operations on images.

blend Blend two or more images.
border Adds a block around the input image.
compose Compose several images in the same canvas. You should probably use Block grid in many situations.
crop Crops an image by the given values
files_from_dir This block reads the filenames from a directory according to a given regexp.
gray2rgb Converts a H x W grayscale into a H x W x 3 RGB image by replicating the gray channel over R,G,B.
grid A block that creates a larger image by arranging them in a grid.
posneg Converts a 2D float value to a RGB representation, where red is positive, blue is negative, white is zero.
posterize Posterizes the given image with the specified number of levels.
reshape2d Reshapes x into (?, width) if x is 1D. If width is not given, it is set to be the sqrt(size).
rgb2gray Converts a HxWx3 RGB image into a HxW grayscale image by computing the luminance.
scale Provides a RGB representation of the values by interpolating the range [min(value),max(value)] into the colorspace [min_color, max_color].
skim_top Cuts off the top percentile of the array.
skim_top_and_bottom Cuts off the top and bottom percentile of the array.
solid to write

Package procgraph_io_misc

Miscellaneous functions to be better organized.

as_json Converts the input into a JSON string.
pickle Dumps the input as a pickle file.
pickle_group Dumps the input as a pickle file, in the form of a dictionary signal name -> value.
pickle_load Dumps the input as a pickle file.
to_file Prints the input line by line to a given file.

Package procgraph_mpl

Blocks using Matplotlib to display data.

plot Plots the inputs using matplotlib.

Package procgraph_mplayer

Blocks for encoding/decoding video based on MPlayer.

mencoder Encodes a video stream using mencoder.
mplayer Decodes a video stream.

Package procgraph_numpy_ops

Various operations wrapping numpy functions.

abs Wrapper around numpy.absolute.
arctan Wrapper around numpy.arctan.
array Converts the value to a Numpy array.
astype Converts an array using the astype function.
deg2rad Converts degrees to radians (wrapper around numpy.radians.)
dstack Wrapper around
fliplr Flips the array left/right (wrapper for numpy.fliplr().)
flipud Flips the array up/down (wrapper for numpy.flipud().)
gradient1d Computes the gradient of a 1D array.
hstack Wrapper around
log Wrapper around numpy.log.
max Maximum over all elements.
maximum Limits the numpy array to the given threshold.
mean Wrapper around numpy.mean.
minimum Limits the numpy array to the given threshold.
norm Returns the norm of the vector.
normalize_Linf Normalize a vector such that |x|_inf = max(abs(x))= 1.
outer Outer product of two vectors.
rad2deg Converts radians to degrees (wrapper around numpy.degrees.)
real Wrapper around numpy.real.
select Selects some of the elements of x.
sign Wrapper around numpy.sign.
smooth1d Smooth the data using a window with requested size.
square Wrapper around numpy.square.
sum Sum over all elements.
take to write
vstack Wrapper around

Package procgraph_pil

Blocks for image operations based on the PIL library

imread Reads an image from a file.
imwrite Writes an image to a file.
resize Resizes an image.
text This block provides text overlays over an image.

Package procgraph_robotics

Some functions specific to robotics applications.

laser_display Produces a plot of a range-finder scan.
laser_dot_display Produces a plot of a range-finder scan variation (derivative).
organic_scale A (almost failed!) attempt to scale a signal into [-1,1] according to the history.
pose2commands Computes the velocity commands from the odometry data.
pose2vel_ Block used by Block pose2commands.
skim Cuts off the top and bottom percentile of the array.

Package procgraph_ros

This is a set of blocks to read and write logs in ROS Bag format.

bagread This block reads a bag file (ROS logging format).
bagread_test Test of the bagread block.
bagwrite This block writes the incoming signals to a ROS bag file.
ros2python Converts a ROS message to a Python object.
ros_scan2python to write

Package procgraph_signals

Blocks performing operations with a dynamic nature.

any Joins the stream of multiple signals onto one output signal.
async to write
derivative Computes the derivative of a quantity with 3 taps (x[t+1] - x[t-1]). See also Block derivative2.
derivative2 Computes the derivative of a quantity with 2 taps (x[t+1] - x[t]). See also Block derivative.
extract This block extracts some of the components of a vector.
forward_difference Computes x[t+1] - x[t-1] normalized with timestamp.
fps_data_limit This block limits the output update to a certain framerate.
fps_limit This block limits the output update to a certain realtime framerate.
fps_print Prints the fps count for the input signals.
history This block collects the history of a quantity, and outputs two signals x and t. See also Block historyt and Block last_n_samples.
historyt This block collects the signals samples of a signals, and outputs one signal containing a tuple (t,x). See also Block last_n_samples and Block history.
join This block joins multiple signals into one.
last_n_samples This block collects the last N samples of a signals, and outputs two signals x and t. See also Block historyt and Block history.
low_pass Implements simple low-pass filtering.
make_tuple Creates a tuple out of the input signals values.
sieve This block decimates the data in time by transmitting only one in n updates.
slice Slices a signal by extracting from index start to index end (INCLUSIVE).
sync This block synchronizes a set of streams to the first stream (the master).
two_step_difference Computes x[t+1] - x[t] normalized with timestamp.
wait This block waits a given number of updates before transmitting the output signal.

Package procgraph_statistics

Blocks for common statistical operations.

cov2corr Compute the correlation matrix from the covariance matrix. If zero_diagonal = True, the diagonal is set to 0 instead of 1.
covariance Computes the covariance matrix of the input.
expectation Computes the sample expectation of a signal.
maximum_over_time Computes the minimum of a signal over time.
minimum_over_time Computes the minimum of a signal over time.
normalize Removes the mean from a signal.
soft_variance Computes the element-wise “soft” variance (exp. of error abs. value)
variance Computes the element-wise variance.

Package procgraph_yaml

YAML conversions.

yaml2object to write

Package procgraph.components.debug_components

Components used for debugging and unit tests.

Block *

Product of two signals.


  • x: First signal.
  • y: Second signal.


  • product: Product of the two signals.

Implemented in /src/procgraph/components/debug_components/

Block +

Sum of two signals.


  • x: First signal.
  • y: Second signal.


  • sum: Sum of the two signals.

Implemented in /src/procgraph/components/debug_components/

Block -

Implements the difference of two signals, taking care of overflows.

Because that is rarely the semantics you want to give them.


  • safe (default: None): Whether to use safe promotions. If not specified, we will do it but warn once.
  • cases (default: {‘uint16’: ‘int32’, ‘uint8’: ‘int16’, ‘uint32’: ‘int64’}): Promotion rules


  • x: First signal
  • y: Second signal


  • x_minus_y: Result of x - y

Implemented in /src/procgraph/components/debug_components/

Block /

Ratio of two signals.


  • x: First signal.
  • y: Second signal.


  • ratio: First signal divided by the second.

Implemented in /src/procgraph/components/debug_components/

Block constant

Output a numerical constant that never changes.


|constant value=42| -> ...


  • value: Constant value to output.


  • constant: The constant value.

Implemented in /src/procgraph/components/debug_components/

Block gain

A simple example of a gain block.


  • k: Multiplicative gain


  • in: Input value


  • out: Output multiplied by k.

Implemented in /src/procgraph/components/debug_components/

Block identity

This block outputs the inputs, unchanged.


  • Input signals. (variable number: n >= 1)


  • Output signals, equal to input. (variable number)

Implemented in /src/procgraph/components/debug_components/

Block info

Prints more compact information about the inputs than Block print.

For numpy arrays it prints their shape and dtype instead of their values.


  • Signals to describe. (variable number: n >= 1)

Implemented in /src/procgraph/components/debug_components/

Block print

Print a representation of the input values along with their timestamp.


  • Signals to print. (variable number: n >= 1)

Implemented in /src/procgraph/components/debug_components/

Package procgraph_cv

Blocks using the OpenCV library.

Block gradient

Computes the gradient of an image using a Sobel filter.


  • aperture_size (default: 3): Aperture of the Sobel filter (odd). (int,odd,>=1)


  • grayscale: A field to derive. (HxW array float)


  • gx: Gradient in the x direction. (array(HxW,float))
  • gy: Gradient in the y direction. (array(HxW,float))

Implemented in /src/procgraph_cv/

Block smooth

Smooths an image with a Gaussian filter.


  • gaussian_std (default: 5.0): Std-deviation of the Gaussian filter. (float,>0)


  • grayscale: A field to derive. (HxW array float)


  • smoothed: The smoothed image. (array(HxW,float))

Implemented in /src/procgraph_cv/

Package procgraph_foo

An example package for ProcGraph that shows how to organize your code.

This is the documentation string for the package. Like all docstrings, it consists of a short summary (above) and a longer description (this.)

Block block_example

This is a documented example of the simplest block possible.

This docstring will be included in the generated documentation.


  • bias (default: 0): Bias for the accelerator.


  • baz: Measured baz in the particle accelerator.


  • baz_compensated: Compensated baz value according to calibration.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_foo/

Package procgraph_hdf

This is a set of blocks to read and write logs in HDF format.

You need the pytables package to be installed.

Block hdfread

This block reads a log written with Block hdfwrite.


  • file: HDF file to read
  • signals (default: None): Which signals to output (and in what order). Should be a comma-separated list. If you do not specify it will be all signals (TODO: in the original order).
  • quiet (default: False): If true, disables advancements status messages.


  • The signals read from the log. (signals are defined at runtime)

Implemented in /src/procgraph_hdf/

Block hdfread_many

This block is a variation on Block hdfread that can concatenate the output of logs stored in multiple HDF files.

The files are specified using a wildcard: for example, dir/*.h5.

A difference with Block hdfread is that all signals must be specified explicitly (Block hdfread can guess); the reason is that we want to avoid reading unrelated logs with different signals.

We check that all files specified have all required signals.

The logfiles are read in the order compatible with their timestamp.


  • files: HDF files to read; you can use the wildcard *.
  • signals: Which signals to output (and in what order). Should be a comma-separated list.
  • quiet (default: False): If true, disables advancements status messages.


  • The signals read from the logs. (signals are defined at runtime)

Implemented in /src/procgraph_hdf/

Block hdfread_many_test

This is a simple test for Block hdfread_many.


  • files: File pattern
  • signals: to write

Implemented in /src/procgraph_hdf/models/

Block hdfread_test

This is a simple test that reading from HDF files is happening correctly.


  • file: input hdf file

Implemented in /src/procgraph_hdf/models/

Block hdfwrite

This block writes the incoming signals to a file in HDF format.

The HDF format is organized as follows:

/            (root)
/procgraph             (group with name procgraph)
/procgraph/signal1     (table)
/procgraph/signal2     (table)

Each table has the following fields:

time (float64 timestamp) value (the datatype of the signal)

If a signal changes datatype, then an error is thrown.


  • file: HDF file to write
  • compress (default: 1): Whether to compress the hdf table.
  • complib (default: zlib): Compression library (zlib, bzip2, blosc, lzo).
  • complevel (default: 9): Compression level (0-9)


  • Signals to be written (variable number: n >= 1)

Implemented in /src/procgraph_hdf/

Package procgraph_images

Blocks for basic operations on images.

This package contains blocks that perform basic operations on images. The library has no software dependency.

For more complex operations see also Package procgraph_cv and Package procgraph_pil


Convert a RGB image to grayscale, and back to a RGB image::

|input| -> |rgb2gray| -> |gray2rgb| -> |output|

Block blend

Blend two or more images.

RGB images are interpreted as having full alpha (opaque). All images must have the same width and height.


  • images to blend (variable number: n >= 2)


  • rgb: The output is a RGB image (no alpha)

Implemented in /src/procgraph_images/

Block border

Adds a block around the input image.


  • color (default: [0, 0, 0]): border color (0-1 rgb)
  • left (default: 0): pixel length for left border
  • right (default: 0): pixel length for right border
  • top (default: 0): pixel length for top border
  • bottom (default: 0): pixel length for bottom border


  • rgb: Input image.


  • rgb: Image with borders added around.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_images/

Block compose

Compose several images in the same canvas. You should probably use Block grid in many situations.

Example configuration:

compose.positions = {y: [0,0], ys: [320,20]}


  • width: Dimension in pixels.
  • height: Dimension in pixels.
  • positions: A structure giving the position of each signal in the canvas.


  • Images to compose. (variable number)


  • canvas: RGB image

Implemented in /src/procgraph_images/

Block crop

Crops an image by the given values


  • top (default: 0): to write
  • right (default: 0): to write
  • left (default: 0): to write
  • bottom (default: 0): to write


  • rgb: to write


  • 0: to write

Implemented in /src/procgraph_images/

Block files_from_dir

This block reads the filenames from a directory according to a given regexp.

For now the timestamp starts from 0 and it is fixed.


  • dir: Directory containing the image files.
  • regexp (default: (w+)_(d+).jpg): Regular expression for images.
  • fps (default: 20.0): Fixed frame per second.


  • filename: Image filename

Implemented in /src/procgraph_images/

Block gray2rgb

Converts a H x W grayscale into a H x W x 3 RGB image by replicating the gray channel over R,G,B.


  • gray: grayscale (array(HxW,uint8),H>0,W>0)


  • 0: A RGB image in shades of gray. (array(HxWx3,uint8))

Implemented in /src/procgraph_images/

Block grid

A block that creates a larger image by arranging them in a grid.


  • cols (default: None): Columns in the grid.
  • bgcolor (default: [0, 0, 0]): Background color.


  • Images to arrange in a grid. (variable number: n >= 1)


  • grid: Images arranged in a grid.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_images/

Block posneg

Converts a 2D float value to a RGB representation, where red is positive, blue is negative, white is zero.


  • max_value (default: None): Maximum of absolute value (if None, detect). (float,>0)
  • nan_color (default: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]): Color to give for regions of NaN and Inf. (color)
  • skim (default: 0): Fraction to skim (in percent). (float,>0,<100)


  • value: The field to represent. (array[HxW])


  • posneg: A RGB image. (array[HxWx3](uint8))

Implemented in /src/procgraph_images/

Block posterize

Posterizes the given image with the specified number of levels.


  • levels (default: 2): number of levels (int,>=2)


  • rgb: RGB image (array(HxWx3,uint8),H>0,W>0)


  • 0: A RGB image with the specified number of levels. (array(HxWx3,uint8))

Implemented in /src/procgraph_images/

Block reshape2d

Reshapes x into (?, width) if x is 1D. If width is not given, it is set to be the sqrt(size).

If x is 2D, it is left alone.


  • width (default: None): to write
  • fill_value (default: nan): to write
  • height (default: None): to write


  • x: to write


  • 0: to write

Implemented in /src/procgraph_images/

Block rgb2gray

Converts a HxWx3 RGB image into a HxW grayscale image by computing the luminance.


  • rgb: RGB image (array(HxWx3,uint8),H>0,W>0)


  • 0: A RGB image in shades of gray. (array(HxW,uint8))

Implemented in /src/procgraph_images/

Block scale

Provides a RGB representation of the values by interpolating the range [min(value),max(value)] into the colorspace [min_color, max_color].


  • max_value (default: None): If specified, everything above is clipped. (float)
  • nan_color (default: [1, 0, 0]): Color to give for regions of NaN and Inf. (color)
  • min_value (default: None): If specified, everything below is clipped. (float)
  • min_color (default: [1, 1, 1]): Color to give to the minimum values. (color)
  • max_color (default: [0, 0, 0]): Color to give to the maximum values. (color)


  • value: The field to represent. (array[HxW],H>0,W>0)


  • scale: A RGB image. (array[HxWx3](uint8))

Implemented in /src/procgraph_images/

Block skim_top

Cuts off the top percentile of the array.


  • top_percent: How much to cut off (decimal). (float,>=0,<90)


  • a: to write


  • 0: to write

Implemented in /src/procgraph_images/

Block skim_top_and_bottom

Cuts off the top and bottom percentile of the array.


  • percent: How much to cut off (decimal). (float,>=0,<90)


  • a: Any numpy array. (array[x])


  • 0: Skimmed version of a. (array[x])

Implemented in /src/procgraph_images/

Block solid

to write


  • width: to write
  • height: to write
  • color: to write


  • rgb: to write

Implemented in /src/procgraph_images/

Package procgraph_io_misc

Miscellaneous functions to be better organized.

Block as_json

Converts the input into a JSON string.

TODO: add example


  • Inputs to transcribe as JSON. (variable number)


  • json: JSON string.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_io_misc/

Block pickle

Dumps the input as a pickle file.


  • file: File to write to.


  • x: Anything pickable.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_io_misc/

Block pickle_group

Dumps the input as a pickle file, in the form of a dictionary signal name -> value.


  • file: File to write to.


  • Any number of pickable signals. (variable number)

Implemented in /src/procgraph_io_misc/

Block pickle_load

Dumps the input as a pickle file.


  • file: File to read from.


  • x: Object read from file

Implemented in /src/procgraph_io_misc/

Block to_file

Prints the input line by line to a given file.


  • file: File to write.


  • values: Anything you wish to print to file.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_io_misc/

Package procgraph_mpl

Blocks using Matplotlib to display data.

Block plot

Plots the inputs using matplotlib.

This block accepts an arbitrary number of signals. Each signals is treated independently and plot separately.

Each signal can either be:

  1. A tuple of length 2. It is interpreted as a tuple (x,y), and we plot x versus y (see also Block make_tuple).
  2. A list of numbers, or a 1-dimensional numpy array of length N. In this case, it is interpreted as the y values, and we set x = 1:N.


  • width (default: 320): Image dimension
  • height (default: 240): Image dimension
  • xlabel (default: None): X label for the plot.
  • ylabel (default: None): Y label for the plot.
  • legend (default: None): List of strings to use as legend handles.
  • title (default: None): If None, use the signal name. Set to "" to disable.
  • format (default: -): Line format (“-”,”.”,”x-”,etc.)
  • symmetric (default: False): An alternative to y_min, y_max. Makes sure the plot is symmetric for y.
  • x_min (default: None): If set, force the X axis to have this minimum.
  • x_max (default: None): If set, force the X axis to have this maximum.
  • y_min (default: None): If set, force the Y axis to have this minimum.
  • y_max (default: None): If set, force the Y axis to have this maximum.
  • keep (default: False): If True, tries to reuse the figure, without closing. (buggy on some backends)
  • transparent (default: False): If true, outputs a RGBA image instead of RGB.
  • tight (default: False): Uses “tight” option for creating png.
  • fancy_styles (default: []): A list of fancy styles to apply ([‘notopaxis’, ‘dickinsonA’, ‘noxticks’, ‘noyticks’, ‘nobottomaxis’]).


  • Data to plot. (variable number)


  • rgb: Resulting image.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_mpl/

Package procgraph_mplayer

Blocks for encoding/decoding video based on MPlayer.

Block mencoder

Encodes a video stream using mencoder.

Note that allowed codec and bitrate depend on your version of mencoder.

MP4 output: currently it works by creating a .AVI with mencoder and then converting to MP4 using ffmpeg (MP4 support for mencoder is currently — Feb‘12 — broken).

RGBA videos: not working fully. For now it outputs .AVI with mencoder and encoded using png.


  • file: Output file (AVI/MP4 format)
  • fps (default: None): Framerate of resulting movie. If not specified, it will be guessed from data.
  • fps_safe (default: 10): If the frame autodetect gives strange results, we use this safe value instead.
  • vcodec (default: mpeg4): Codec to use.
  • vbitrate (default: 2000000): Bitrate – default is reasonable.
  • quiet (default: True): If True, suppress mencoder’s messages
  • timestamps (default: True): If True, also writes <file>.timestamps that includes a line with the timestamp for each frame
  • crop (default: False): If true, the video will be post-processed and cropped


  • image: Either a HxWx3 uint8 numpy array representing an RGB image, or a HxW representing grayscale.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_mplayer/

Block mplayer

Decodes a video stream.


  • file: Input video file. This can be in any format that mplayer understands.
  • quiet (default: True): If true, suppress stderr messages from mplayer.
  • stats: If true, writes some statistics about the remaining time.


  • video: RGB stream as numpy array.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_mplayer/

Package procgraph_numpy_ops

Various operations wrapping numpy functions.

Block abs

Wrapper around numpy.absolute.


  • 0: to write


  • 0: to write

Implemented in /src/procgraph_numpy_ops/

Block arctan

Wrapper around numpy.arctan.


  • 0: to write


  • 0: to write

Implemented in /src/procgraph_numpy_ops/

Block array

Converts the value to a Numpy array.


  • value: to write


  • 0: to write

Implemented in /src/procgraph_numpy_ops/

Block astype

Converts an array using the astype function.


  • dtype: The new dtype. (string)


  • a: Numpy array (array)


  • typed: The Numpy array with the new type. (array)

Implemented in /src/procgraph_numpy_ops/

Block deg2rad

Converts degrees to radians (wrapper around numpy.radians.)


  • 0: to write


  • 0: to write

Implemented in /src/procgraph_numpy_ops/

Block dstack

Wrapper around


  • x: to write
  • y: to write


  • 0: to write

Implemented in /src/procgraph_numpy_ops/

Block fliplr

Flips the array left/right (wrapper for numpy.fliplr().)


  • m: to write


  • 0: to write

Implemented in /src/procgraph_numpy_ops/

Block flipud

Flips the array up/down (wrapper for numpy.flipud().)


  • m: to write


  • 0: to write

Implemented in /src/procgraph_numpy_ops/

Block gradient1d

Computes the gradient of a 1D array.


  • a: Numpy array (array(N),N>3)


  • typed: The gradient of the array. (array)

Implemented in /src/procgraph_numpy_ops/

Block hstack

Wrapper around


  • x: to write
  • y: to write


  • 0: to write

Implemented in /src/procgraph_numpy_ops/

Block log

Wrapper around numpy.log.


  • 0: to write


  • 0: to write

Implemented in /src/procgraph_numpy_ops/

Block max

Maximum over all elements.


  • x: to write


  • 0: to write

Implemented in /src/procgraph_numpy_ops/

Block maximum

Limits the numpy array to the given threshold.


  • threshold: to write


  • value: to write


  • 0: to write

Implemented in /src/procgraph_numpy_ops/

Block mean

Wrapper around numpy.mean.


  • dtype (default: None): to write
  • axis (default: None): to write
  • out (default: None): to write


  • a: to write


  • 0: to write

Implemented in /src/procgraph_numpy_ops/

Block minimum

Limits the numpy array to the given threshold.


  • threshold: to write


  • value: Any numpy array.


  • 0: Array of same shape.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_numpy_ops/

Block norm

Returns the norm of the vector.


  • ord (default: 2): to write


  • value: to write


  • 0: to write

Implemented in /src/procgraph_numpy_ops/

Block normalize_Linf

Normalize a vector such that |x|_inf = max(abs(x))= 1.


  • x: Any numpy array.


  • normalized: The same array normalized.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_numpy_ops/

Block outer

Outer product of two vectors.

This is a wrapper around numpy.multiply.outer().


  • a: First vector.
  • b: Second vector.


  • outer: Outer product of the two vectors.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_numpy_ops/

Block rad2deg

Converts radians to degrees (wrapper around numpy.degrees.)


  • 0: to write


  • 0: to write

Implemented in /src/procgraph_numpy_ops/

Block real

Wrapper around numpy.real.


  • val: to write


  • 0: to write

Implemented in /src/procgraph_numpy_ops/

Block select

Selects some of the elements of x.


  • every: How many to jump (every=2 takes only the even elements).


  • x: Numpy array that can be flatly addressed.


  • decimated: The decimated output.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_numpy_ops/

Block sign

Wrapper around numpy.sign.


  • 0: to write


  • 0: to write

Implemented in /src/procgraph_numpy_ops/

Block smooth1d

Smooth the data using a window with requested size.

This method is based on the convolution of a scaled window with the signal. The signal is prepared by introducing reflected copies of the signal (with the window size) in both ends so that transient parts are minimized in the begining and end part of the output signal.

window must be one of ‘flat’, ‘hanning’, ‘hamming’, ‘bartlett’, ‘blackman’. A flat window will produce a moving average smoothing.



see also:

numpy.hanning, numpy.hamming, numpy.bartlett, numpy.blackman, numpy.convolve scipy.signal.lfilter

TODO: the window parameter could be the window itself if an
array instead of a string


  • window_len (default: 11): the dimension of the smoothing window; an odd integer
  • window (default: hanning): the type of window from


  • x: the input signal


  • smoothed: the smoothed signal

Implemented in /src/procgraph_numpy_ops/

Block square

Wrapper around numpy.square.


  • 0: to write


  • 0: to write

Implemented in /src/procgraph_numpy_ops/

Block sum

Sum over all elements.


  • x: to write


  • 0: to write

Implemented in /src/procgraph_numpy_ops/

Block take

to write


  • indices: to write
  • axis (default: 0): to write


  • a: to write


  • 0: to write

Implemented in /src/procgraph_numpy_ops/

Block vstack

Wrapper around


  • x: to write
  • y: to write


  • 0: to write

Implemented in /src/procgraph_numpy_ops/

Package procgraph_pil

Blocks for image operations based on the PIL library

Block imread

Reads an image from a file.


  • filename: Image filename. (string)


  • image: The image as a numpy array. (image)

Implemented in /src/procgraph_pil/

Block imwrite

Writes an image to a file.


  • file: to write


  • rgb: to write


  • 0: to write

Implemented in /src/procgraph_pil/

Block resize

Resizes an image.

You should pass at least one of width or height.


  • width (default: None): Target image width. (int,>0)
  • height (default: None): Target image height. (int,>0)


  • value: The image to resize. (image)


  • image: The image as a numpy array. (rgb)

Implemented in /src/procgraph_pil/

Block text

This block provides text overlays over an image.

This block is very powerful, but the configuration is a bit complicated.

You should provide a list of dictionary in the configuration variable texts. Each dictionary in the list describes how and where to write one piece of text.

An example of valid configuration is the following:

text.texts = [{string: "raw image", position: [10,30], halign: left,
              color: black, bg: white }]

The meaning of the fields is as follow:

Text to display. See the section below about keyword expansion.
Array of two integers giving the position of the text in the image
Text color. It can be a keyword color or an hexadecimal string (white or #ffffff).
background color
Horizontal alignment. Choose between left (default), center, right.
Vertical alignment. Choose between top (default), middle, center.
Font size in pixels
Font family. Must be a ttf file (Arial.ttf)

Expansion: Also we expand macros in the text using format(). The available keywords are:

number of frames since the beginning
seconds since the beginning of the log
absolute timestamp


  • texts: Text specification (see block description).


  • rgb: Input image.


  • rgb: Output image with overlaid text.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_pil/

Package procgraph_robotics

Some functions specific to robotics applications.


Block laser_display

Produces a plot of a range-finder scan.

Example of configuration:

display_sick.groups = [{ indices: [0,179], theta: [-1.57,+1.57],
     color: 'r', origin: [0,0,0]}]


  • width (default: 320): Width of the resulting image.
  • height (default: 320): Height of the resulting image.
  • max_readings (default: 30): Readings are clipped at this threshold (m).
  • groups: How to group and draw the readings. (see example)
  • title (default: None): By default it displays the signal name. Set the empty string to disable.
  • transparent (default: False): Gives transparent RGBA rather than RGB.


  • readings: The laser readings (array of floats).


  • image: The laser visualization (rgba).

Implemented in /src/procgraph_robotics/

Block laser_dot_display

Produces a plot of a range-finder scan variation (derivative).

It is a variation of Block laser_display; look there for the documentation.


  • width (default: 320): Width of the resulting image.
  • height (default: 320): Height of the resulting image.
  • groups: How to group and draw the readings. (see Block laser_display)
  • title (default: None): By default it displays the signal name. Set the empty string to disable.
  • transparent (default: False): Gives transparent RGBA rather than RGB.
  • R0 (default: 1): Radius of the readings circle.
  • amp (default: 0.5): Amplitude of the readings crown.


  • readings_dot: Array of float representing array readings.


  • image: A fancy visualization of the laser derivative

Implemented in /src/procgraph_robotics/

Block organic_scale

A (almost failed!) attempt to scale a signal into [-1,1] according to the history.

This one is a mess.


  • skim (default: 5): to write
  • skim_hist (default: 5): to write
  • hist (default: 100): How many steps of history to use.
  • tau (default: 0.1): to write


  • value: to write


  • value_scaled: to write

Implemented in /src/procgraph_robotics/

Block pose2commands

Computes the velocity commands from the odometry data.


  • pose: Odometry as an array [x,y,theta].


  • commands: Estimated commands as an array [vx,vy,omega].
  • vx: Linear velocity, forward (m/s)
  • vy: Linear velocity, side (m/s)
  • omega: Angular velocity (rad/s)

Implemented in /src/procgraph_robotics/

Block pose2vel_

Block used by Block pose2commands.


  • q12: Last two poses.
  • t12: Last two timestamps.


  • commands: Estimated commands [vx,vy,omega].

Implemented in /src/procgraph_robotics/

Block skim

Cuts off the top and bottom percentile of the array.


  • percent (default: 5): How much to cut off (decimal). (float,>=0,<90)


  • a: Any numpy array. (array[x])


  • 0: Skimmed version of a. (array[x])

Implemented in /src/procgraph_robotics/

Package procgraph_ros

This is a set of blocks to read and write logs in ROS Bag format.

You need the rospy package to be installed.

Block bagread

This block reads a bag file (ROS logging format).


  • file: Bag file to read
  • topics (default: None): Which signals to output (and in what order). Should be a comma-separated list. If you do not specify it (or if empty) it will be all signals.


  • The signals read from the log. (signals are defined at runtime)

Implemented in /src/procgraph_ros/

Block bagread_test

Test of the bagread block.


  • file: .bag file to read
  • topics: topics to read

Implemented in /src/procgraph_ros/models/

Block bagwrite

This block writes the incoming signals to a ROS bag file.

By default, the signals are organized as follows:

/            (root)
/procgraph             (group with name procgraph)
/procgraph/signal1     (table)
/procgraph/signal2     (table)

Note that the input should be ROS messages; no conversion is done.


  • file: Bag file to write


  • Signals to be written (variable number: n >= 1)

Implemented in /src/procgraph_ros/

Block ros2python

Converts a ROS message to a Python object.


  • msg: to write


  • 0: to write

Implemented in /src/procgraph_ros/

Block ros_scan2python

to write


  • scan: to write


  • 0: to write

Implemented in /src/procgraph_ros/

Package procgraph_signals

Blocks performing operations with a dynamic nature.

This library contains blocks that perform operations with time.

Block any

Joins the stream of multiple signals onto one output signal.


  • Signals to be put on the same stream. (variable number: n >= 1)


  • stream: Unified stream.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_signals/

Block async

to write


  • Signals to (a)synchronize. The first is the master. (variable number: n >= 2)


  • Synchronized signals. (variable number)

Implemented in /src/procgraph_signals/

Block derivative

Computes the derivative of a quantity with 3 taps (x[t+1] - x[t-1]). See also Block derivative2.


  • x: quantity to derive


  • x_dot: approximate derivative

Implemented in /src/procgraph_signals/

Block derivative2

Computes the derivative of a quantity with 2 taps (x[t+1] - x[t]). See also Block derivative.


  • x: quantity to derive


  • x_dot: approximate derivative

Implemented in /src/procgraph_signals/

Block extract

This block extracts some of the components of a vector.

Example: Extracts the first and third component of x.

x -> |extract index=[0,2]| -> x_part


  • index: Index (or indices) to extract.


  • vector: Any numpy array


  • part: The part extracted

Implemented in /src/procgraph_signals/

Block forward_difference

Computes x[t+1] - x[t-1] normalized with timestamp.

You want to attach this to Block last_n_samples.


  • x123: An array with the last 3 values of x.
  • t123: An array with the last 3 values of the timestamp.


  • x_dot: Derivative of x

Implemented in /src/procgraph_signals/

Block fps_data_limit

This block limits the output update to a certain framerate.


  • fps: Maximum framerate.


  • Signals to decimate. (variable number: n >= 1)


  • Decimated signals. (variable number)

Implemented in /src/procgraph_signals/

Block fps_limit

This block limits the output update to a certain realtime framerate.

Note that this uses realtime wall clock time – not the data time! This is mean for real-time applications, such as visualization.


  • fps: Realtime fps limit.


  • Arbitrary signals. (variable number)


  • Arbitrary signals with limited framerate. (variable number)

Implemented in /src/procgraph_signals/

Block fps_print

Prints the fps count for the input signals.


  • Any signal. (variable number: n >= 1)

Implemented in /src/procgraph_signals/

Block history

This block collects the history of a quantity, and outputs two signals x and t. See also Block historyt and Block last_n_samples.


  • interval (default: 10): Length of the interval to record.


  • values: Any signal.


  • x: Sequence of values.
  • t: Sequence of timestamps.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_signals/

Block historyt

This block collects the signals samples of a signals, and outputs one signal containing a tuple (t,x). See also Block last_n_samples and Block history.

If natural is true, it uses the time from the beginning of the log.


  • interval (default: 10): Length of interval (seconds).
  • natural (default: True): If true, set 0 to be timestamp of the log beginning. This allows to have prettier graphs


  • x: Any signal.


  • history: Tuple (t,x) containing two arrays.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_signals/

Block join

This block joins multiple signals into one.


  • Signals to be joined together. (variable number)


  • joined: Joined signals.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_signals/

Block last_n_samples

This block collects the last N samples of a signals, and outputs two signals x and t. See also Block historyt and Block history.


  • n: Number of samples to retain.


  • x: Any data


  • x: Sequence of values.
  • t: Sequence of timestamps.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_signals/

Block low_pass

Implements simple low-pass filtering.

Formula used:

y[k] = alpha * u[k] + (1-alpha) * y[k-1]


  • alpha: Innovation rate


  • value: Any numpy array.


  • lowpass: The lowpass version.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_signals/

Block make_tuple

Creates a tuple out of the input signals values.

Often used for plotting two signals as (x,y); see Block plot.


  • Signals to unite in a tuple. (variable number)


  • tuple: Tuple containing signals.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_signals/

Block sieve

This block decimates the data in time by transmitting only one in n updates.


  • n: Decimation level; n = 3 means transmit one in three.


  • data: Arbitrary input signals.


  • decimated: Decimated signals.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_signals/

Block slice

Slices a signal by extracting from index start to index end (INCLUSIVE).


  • start: Slice start.
  • end: Slice end (inclusive).


  • signal: Any 1d numpy array


  • sliced: The sliced signal.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_signals/

Block sync

This block synchronizes a set of streams to the first stream (the master).

The first signal is called the “master” signal. The other (N-1) are slaves.

We guarantee that:

  • if the slaves are faster than the master, then we output exactly the same.

Example diagrams:

Master  *  *  *   *   *
Slave   ++++++++++++++++

Master  *  *  *   *   *
output? v  v  x   v
Slave   +    +      +
output? v    v      v


  • Signals to synchronize. The first is the master. (variable number: n >= 2)


  • Synchronized signals. (variable number)

Implemented in /src/procgraph_signals/

Block two_step_difference

Computes x[t+1] - x[t] normalized with timestamp.


  • x12: An array with the last 2 values of x.
  • t12: An array with the last 2 values of the timestamp.


  • x_dot: Derivative of x

Implemented in /src/procgraph_signals/

Block wait

This block waits a given number of updates before transmitting the output signal.


  • n: Number of updates to wait at the beginning.


  • Arbitrary signals. (variable number)


  • Copy of the signals, minus the first n updates. (variable number)

Implemented in /src/procgraph_signals/

Package procgraph_statistics

Blocks for common statistical operations.

Block cov2corr

Compute the correlation matrix from the covariance matrix. If zero_diagonal = True, the diagonal is set to 0 instead of 1.


  • zero_diagonal (default: True): Whether to set the (noninformative) diagonal to zero.


  • covariance: A 2D numpy array.


  • correlation: The exctracted correlation.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_statistics/

Block covariance

Computes the covariance matrix of the input.


  • wait (default: 10): Number of sample to have reliable expectation.


  • x: Unidimensional numpy array.


  • cov_x: Square matrix representing sample covariance.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_statistics/

Block expectation

Computes the sample expectation of a signal.


  • x: Any numpy array.


  • Ex: Expectation of input.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_statistics/

Block maximum_over_time

Computes the minimum of a signal over time.


  • x: Any numpy array.


  • max_x: Maximum of input over time.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_statistics/

Block minimum_over_time

Computes the minimum of a signal over time.


  • x: Any numpy array.


  • min_x: Minimum of input.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_statistics/

Block normalize

Removes the mean from a signal.


  • wait (default: 10): Number of sample to have reliable expectation.


  • x: Unidimensional numpy array.


  • x_n: Signal without the mean.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_statistics/

Block soft_variance

Computes the element-wise “soft” variance (exp. of error abs. value)


  • wait (default: 100): Number of samples to wait before declaring the value valid.


  • x: Any numpy array


  • var_x: Soft variance of x.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_statistics/

Block variance

Computes the element-wise variance.


  • wait (default: 100): Number of samples to wait before declaring the value valid.


  • x: Any numpy array


  • var_x: Variance of x.

Implemented in /src/procgraph_statistics/

Package procgraph_yaml

YAML conversions.

Block yaml2object

to write


  • s: to write


  • 0: to write

Implemented in /src/procgraph_yaml/
