Source code for contracts.useful_contracts.numpy_specific

from contracts import new_contract
import numpy as np
from contracts.interface import describe_value, describe_type

__all__ = ['finite']

[docs]@new_contract def finite(x): return np.isfinite(x).all()
new_contract('np_scalar_uint', 'np_uint8|np_uint16|np_uint32|np_uint64') new_contract('np_scalar_int', 'np_int8|np_int16|np_int32|np_int64') new_contract('np_scalar_float', 'np_float32|np_float64') new_contract('np_scalar_type', 'np_scalar_int|np_scalar_uint|np_scalar_float') @new_contract def np_zeroshape_array(x): # scalars = [ #, # Platform integer (normally either int32 or int64) # np.int8, # Byte (-128 to 127) # np.int16, # Integer (-32768 to 32767) # np.int32, # Integer (-2147483648 to 2147483647) # np.int64, # Integer (9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807) # np.uint8, # Unsigned integer (0 to 255) # np.uint16, # Unsigned integer (0 to 65535) # np.uint32, # Unsigned integer (0 to 4294967295) # np.uint64, # Unsigned integer (0 to 18446744073709551615) # np.float, # Shorthand for float64. # np.float16, # Half precision float: sign bit, 5 bits exponent, 10 bits mantissa # np.float32, # Single precision float: sign bit, 8 bits exponent, 23 bits mantissa # np.float64, # Double precision float: sign bit, 11 bits exponent, 52 bits mantissa # np.complex, # Shorthand for complex128. # np.complex64, # Complex number, represented by two 32-bit floats (real and imaginary components) # np.complex128 # ] # # if isinstance(x, tuple(scalars)): # return # # if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray): msg = 'Not an array: %s %s ' % (type(x), describe_type(x)) raise ValueError(msg) if not x.shape == (): msg = 'Not a scalar: %s' % describe_value(x) raise ValueError(msg) new_contract('np_scalar', 'np_zeroshape_array|np_scalar_type')