Source code for contracts.testing.test_simple

import traceback

from ..main import parse_contract_string
from ..test_registrar import (good_examples, semantic_fail_examples,
                              syntax_fail_examples, contract_fail_examples)
from .utils import check_contracts_ok, check_syntax_fail, check_contracts_fail

# Import the other tests
from . import test_multiple  # @UnusedImport

# Import all the symbols needed to eval() the __repr__() output.
from ..library import *  # @UnusedWildImport @UnresolvedImport

## If you want to try only some tests, set select to True, and add them below.
## Remove the other mcdp_lang_tests
#good_examples[:] = []
#syntax_fail_examples[:] = []
#semantic_fail_examples[:] = []
#contract_fail_examples[:] = []
## Add the ones you want to do here:
#from ..test_registrar import  fail, good, syntax_fail, semantic_fail 

[docs]def test_good(): for contract, value, exact in good_examples: # @UnusedVariable yield check_contracts_ok, contract, value
[docs]def test_syntax_fail(): for s in syntax_fail_examples: yield check_syntax_fail, s
[docs]def test_semantic_fail(): for contract, value, exact in semantic_fail_examples: # @UnusedVariable yield check_contracts_fail, contract, value, ContractNotRespected
[docs]def test_contract_fail(): for contract, value, exact in contract_fail_examples: # @UnusedVariable yield check_contracts_fail, contract, value, ContractNotRespected
# Checks that we can eval() the __repr__() value and # we get an equivalent object.
[docs]def test_repr(): allc = (good_examples + semantic_fail_examples + contract_fail_examples) for contract, value, exact in allc: # @UnusedVariable if isinstance(contract, list): for c in contract: yield check_good_repr, c else: yield check_good_repr, contract
# Checks that we can reconvert the __str__() value and we get the same.
[docs]def test_reconversion(): allc = (good_examples + semantic_fail_examples + contract_fail_examples) for contract, _, exact in allc: if isinstance(contract, list): for c in contract: yield check_recoversion, c, exact else: yield check_recoversion, contract, exact
[docs]def check_good_repr(c): """ Checks that we can eval() the __repr__() value and we get an equivalent object. """ parsed = parse_contract_string(c) # Check that it compares true with itself assert parsed.__eq__(parsed), 'Repr does not know itself: %r' % parsed reprc = parsed.__repr__() try: reeval = eval(reprc) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() raise Exception('Could not evaluate expression %r: %s' % (reprc, e)) assert reeval == parsed, \ 'Repr gives different object:\n %r !=\n %r' % (parsed, reeval)
[docs]def check_recoversion(s, exact): """ Checks that we can eval() the __repr__() value and we get an equivalent object. """ parsed = parse_contract_string(s) s2 = parsed.__str__() reconv = parse_contract_string(s2) msg = 'Reparsing gives different objects:\n' msg += ' Original string: %r\n' % s msg += ' parsed: %r\n' % parsed msg += ' Regenerated: %r\n' % s2 msg += ' reparsed: %r' % reconv assert reconv == parsed, msg if exact: # Warn if the string is not exactly the same. if s2 != s: msg = ('Slight different regenerated strings:\n') msg += (' original: %s\n' % s) msg += (' generated: %s\n' % s2) msg += (' parsed the first time as: %r\n' % parsed) msg += (' and then as: %r' % reconv) assert s2 == s, msg