Why using compmake



Why using compmakeΒΆ

This section explains why you would want to use Compmake. If you already know why, skip ahead to Preparing your programs for compmake.

Suppose that you are working on this simple program:

from mycomputations import funcA, funcB, draw

for param1 in [1, 2, 3]:
    for param2 in [10, 11, 12]:
        res1 = funcA(param1)
        res2 = funcB(res1, param2)

This is a very simple program. Suppose, however, that the functions func1(), func2() are very computational expensive. If that’s the case, you encounter several problems that slow down your progress.

In short, writing computationally intensive batch processes, (especially simulations), presents some common problems. In isolation, each of them could be overcome by writing ad hoc code. Compmake helps you by solving each of these problems (and more) in a robust way, once and for all. The price you have to pay is a slight modification of the source code, as explained in the following section.
