Compmake configuration reference


Compmake configuration referenceΒΆ

The following is an auto-generated list of configuration switches.

General configuration
check_params False If true, erases the cache if job parameters appear to change.
Storage setting backend
db filesystem Specifies db backend. XXX: so far, only 'filesystem' officially supported.
path compmake_storage [filesystem] Path to directory for filesystem storage.
echo_stdout True If true, the job output to stdout is shown.
echo_stderr True If true, the job output to stderr is shown.
colorize True Use colors in terminals if possible.
verbose_definition False If true, log on stderr about job (re)definition.
max_mem_load 100.0 Maximum physical memory load (%)
max_cpu_load 100.0 Maximum CPU load (%). No jobs will be instantiated if over threshold.
autobal_after 8 Autobalances after the given number of processes (%)
min_proc_interval 0 Minimum time interval between instantiating jobs.
Cluster execution
cluster_conf cluster.yaml Location of cluster configuration file.
hostname localhost Nickname for current host (set by compmake master).
cluster_nice 0 Nice level for spawned remote processes.
cluster_show_cmd True If true, it shows the connection string to the slaves.
